About Project Lifting Spirits
Since 2007, Project Lifting Spirits has been providing blankets, games, books, etc. to our wounded service members at the VA and Eisenhower hospitals in Augusta, Georgia. We have also purchased and distributed Girl Scouts cookies, organized greeting card signings with local elementary schools for the Veteran's Day Augusta Green Jackets game, and created/delivered cards, posters, bookmarks, and drawings from elementary schools and daycare facilities in Columbia County, Georgia and Springfield, Tennessee. These items are provided to the service members as small tokens of appreciation to let them know that they serve a grateful nation.
Our goal is to provide these cards and gifts to our local wounded troops and goody boxes to our deployed and wounded troops on a regular basis throughout the year. Currently, we provide items to Fort Gordon Army Base, the Fisher Houses and Veterans Administration Hospitals in the Augusta, Georgia area. Each location will have various delivery schedules and frequencies based on their needs and requirements. We are slowly getting bigger and need your continued support. Please help us by getting the word out and letting us know of any fundraising opportunities available.
Be our wounded troop Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, Coast Guard, or National Guard, the dogma is the same. We here at Project Lifting Spirits understand that for some of our warriors, their toughest battles lie ahead of them, with surgeries, and perhaps years of rehabilitation. Help us to help them make the transition successfully.
Often the scars that take the longest to heal are those that are unseen. Our cards, especially the ones handmade from children, touch these troops in a very special way. Join us in our effort to reach out to these heroes who now need our help.
Project Lifting Spirits ultimate goal is to be able to provide encouragement to all of the brave men and woman who sacrifice daily to ensure that we are safe and to protect the liberties we all enjoy. This will help them remember that we deeply appreciate their sacrificial service to maintain our COUNTRY'S PRECIOUS FREEDOMS.
Additionally, please feel free to mail any comments, questions or donations to:
Project Lifting Spirits
P.O. Box 1322
Evans, Georgia 30809
Call or
Project Lifting Spirits has acquired our letter for Recognition of Exemption under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Our tax exempt number is: 27-0937542.